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WordPress : Function to get all images attached to a post/page
When you upload a set of images to a post/page using the ‘Add Media’ button when adding or editing a post they are attached to that post (as well as being available for use throughout the site) should you wish…
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WordPress – How to change the author base in URLs
WordPress – How to add/remove user details
If you need to add extra fields to the WordPress user details page you can. Here is a simple function that can be added to functions.php to add a telephone number, Skype username, Twitter username and Facebook name to your…
WordPress – How to get the blog description in HTML format
Sometimes you may need to add a line break or a HTML tag to the blog description in WordPress to get it to do something other than just the plain tagline. Using the get_bloginfo(‘description’); function will pull that out, but…
WordPress : How to have query search posts only
If you need to have your WordPress search only search posts for results, you can insert this code before the ‘if(have_posts()):’ line on search.php and it will do that for you. Further to that you can add any arguments from…
WordPress : TinyMCE text editor shortcuts
Get your latest Tweet using the JSON timeline
There are a few ways in which I have seen to get the latets Tweet from Twitter to display on a site. The easiest solution I have found uses the JSON timeline of Tweets. In the example below, I have…